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TranzParent (Paperback)

  • TranzParent in all of its brutal honesty is an impassioned nonfiction read that gives you insight to love, life and lessons taught and applied, unbeknownst to the teacher or the pupil with unwritten permission and unsolicited consent from either party. The pages are lovingly lined and filled with straightforward works of art. The beautiful quotes, passionate poetry and sassy short stories span over a 7-year period of Jae’s life. They engulf all she endured like the trials and tribulations deemed necessary for her to evolve into the woman and artist she needed to become.

    Guilelessness is the word. The word that describes her ability to capture your imagination then allow it to run rampant as the words give life and you find yourself transported to that particular place and time and you’re then held hostage by your own curiosity of the ending. So spellbinding your senses are unclear as to who the character really is in the end. Jae is the heroine that prevails, but not before she must take on the biggest antagonist of her life, herself.

    Jae has experienced loss, pain and learned lessons that only an erratic life could teach her but she always knew there was a rainbow, a brighter side an opposite to the struggles she had been through. She just had to learn to stop asking for permission to live and decide to take on and conquer the world like she was born to do. Once she came to herself and consciously decided to opened heart and mind she was shocked with the blessing of life-altering love. A love that she never had, a love that was pure and potent enough to completely change her existence. She encountered feelings some only dream of and many will never understand but she needed to express in hopes that a reader would become a believer. TranzParent helps us understand love is real and within our grasp if we believe.

  • Released December 12, 2016

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